6 trucs pour manger des fruits et des légumes locaux toute l’année !

6 tips for eating local fruits and vegetables all year round!

Eating local has many advantages: it encourages the local economy, it reduces the distances between the field and the plate (less transport = less pollution!) and it introduces us to all the excellent products that grow near us.

As part of the 12th week of public markets, we give you 6 tips for eating local all year round!


It may seem obvious, but we don't always think to check where our products come from. We find foods on our shelves that come from the other side of the world... while we grow identical foods in Quebec! We forget Chinese garlic and California strawberries, and we turn to local alternatives. Less transport, less pollution and, what's more, we keep the local economy moving!

Tip: Watch for the words “Aliment du Québec” or “Food Prepared in Quebec”. These certifications guarantee that it is a local food!



Our ancestors would be very surprised by the abundance of fresh produce available all year round! Strawberries in December, fresh lettuce in February… Unfortunately, even if the products are present on our shelves even in winter, they are often imported, more expensive and less tasty.

To better enjoy fruits and vegetables to their full potential, we turn to the harvest calendar. This tool tells us when fruits and vegetables are in season. This allows us to save money and encourage our local producers!


When you grow your own vegetables at home, it's hard to go more local. You don't have room for a vegetable garden in the ground? Never mind ! Pots on your balcony and planters hanging from your railings can accommodate small vegetables (beans, radishes, etc.) or simply herbs.

We also like to grow sprouts and microgreens: you don’t even need soil! A simple glass jar is enough.

Eating ultralocal can be very simple… and delicious!


To enjoy the harvest season as long as possible, we turn to a great friend: the freezer! You can easily freeze seasonal fruits (blueberries, strawberries, etc.) to enjoy them all year round.

Another way to take advantage of the freezer is to freeze your fine herbs (basil, rosemary, etc.) to preserve all their flavors. Tips: fill ice cube trays with herbs, and cover with olive oil. Once frozen, they will be in the perfect size for your recipes.

Did you know that frozen fruits and vegetables retain their nutrients? So it’s a healthy and delicious way to eat local, even during the winter!


To eat local all year round, you can buy seasonal foods and transform them to preserve them for the longer term.

The classic example is caning. Tomatoes and other foods can be preserved for many months. Attention ! You need to find out about good practices before getting started. With a little know-how, you can make preserves that are as tasty as they are safe.

Dehydration also allows you to preserve fine herbs (homemade spices!), vegetables (dehydrated vegetable broth!) and fruits (delicious snacks!).

Fermentation (kimchi, sauerkraut, etc.) is also a good technique for preserving foods (and all their nutrients!) for many weeks.

It takes a little elbow grease, but processing your food at home is as useful as it is fun! It's also a great activity to do with children, to introduce them to healthy, local food.


One of the best ways to buy local all year round is to buy directly from artisans and farmers. Public markets are therefore ideal for buying local.

Going to the market is much more than buying fruits and vegetables. It's enjoying the festive atmosphere, it's creating human contact with those who produce our food, it's seeing where our fruits and vegetables come from. And, above all, it means buying fresh products bursting with flavor!

To find out the schedule for the Sauvé Solidarity Market, the Mobile Markets and the Ahuntsic-Cartierville Summer Market: www.marcheac.com/agences-et-locations

Buying local is easier than you think, and it makes a big difference. It encourages the local economy, it introduces us to the riches of our region and it gives a boost to the environment. So quickly! Run to your nearest public market to take full advantage of the harvest season.


To find out more about Quebec foods: foodsduquebec.com

To consult a harvest calendar: mangezquebec.com/calendrier-des-arrivages/

For tips and tricks on how to make your own microgreens: urbanculteurs.org/conseils-horticoles/germinations-et-pousses/

For tips and tricks on how to preserve your vegetables by fermentation: revolutionfermentation.ca/blogs/legumes-fermentes/conservation-par-fermentation

#Fruit #Vegetable #Eatlocal # Québec #Tipsandtricks #FoodfromQuébec #HarvestCalendar #Grow #Freeze #Preserve #Dehydration #Fermentation #PublicMarket#localeconomy

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